October 27, 2010


Bébé Gaston a une malformation cardiaque et sans opération il ne pourra pas survivre. Avec les fonds des donateurs nous avons pu constituer un dossier, Gaston a eu une echographie, radio et EEG et une visite auprès du pédiatre.
Médecins du Monde opère gratuitement les enfants atteints de problème cardiaque à Tana ou à l'étranger.
Ce jeudi 28 octobre Gaston part  à Tana avec sa maman pour consulter MDM et voir avec eux si  l'opération va être nécessaire. 
Nous avons payé le transport pour Tana avec une personne accompagnatrice ainsi que logement et les repas sur place .
Nous suivons l'histoire de Gaston de près et continuerons à vous informer.

Little Gaston has a malformed heart and without an operation most likely will not survive.  With the donations collected he has had an ultrasound, x-rays and an EKG and visits to a pediatrician and a medical dossier has been created for him.
Médecins du Monde, MDM, offers free heart operations for children who have serious or life threatning cardiac conditions either in Tana or overseas.
This Thursday, 28 October, Gaston and his mother will be going to Tana to consult with MDM to see if he can receive this operation.
We have made and paid for all the arrangements necessary regarding their transport with a companion, lodging and food.
We will closely follow Gaston's story and keep you posted.

October 25, 2010


The children at the ASPE Center are back at school after the holidays!  With the funds collected the students were ready on their first day back with new notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, and crayons all made possible through your donations.  The ASPE Center received school supplies for 50 students.

Also, the resident students now ALL have new mattresses for their beds thanks to donations made by Miriam, Jelane,  and the financial contributions made by employees of the Ambatovy Project collected by Mike Elder and Mami. 
The sewing class is now busy making the mattress covers with material we were able to supply.

The sewing class is also getting ready for Christmas by making crafts and needlework projects which they are hoping to sell at their Christmas Bazaar.  We will let you know when the Christmas Bazaar will take place so you can support these budding seamstresses!

September 27, 2010

September Donations

Mike Elder and Mamisoa Rakotonavalona have been Busy Bees collecting funding from their coworkers at Ambatovy for the ASPE Center!
The money raised was used to purchase soap, cooking oil, rice, sugar, school supplies, flip flops, clothes, soccer balls, blankets, mattresses and other items ASPE will put to good use.

We also wish to acknowledge Fabiana and her colleagues for their ongoing monthly support to the ASPE Center, their regular contributions are greatly appreciated!

While it is difficult to acknowledge everyone by name we would like to acknowledge Jelane and Miriam for purchasing 5 bunk-beds with 10 new mattresses, clothing and school supplies, Sandra for her clothing donation, and CAM and CIS for their vegetable, rice, oats and food donations.

A Special Thank You to the Ladies who donated the funds they collected during their afternoon tea-get-togethers to help ASPE and the Nutrition Center and there is an open invitation if you ever wish to visit either of the Centers.

Thank You to Everyone who participated with their donations!
Below are a few pictures showing how your generous donations have helped the Center.

Click on photo to enlarge


Many thanks to Mike Elder for inviting us to the Safety Meeting and giving us the chance today to address some of the local organizations that need your help.  We were encouraged by your enthusiasm and generosity and look forward to working together to help out some of the most needy children in Tamatave.

If you have any questions, would like to volunteer your time or resources, or would like to make a donation please feel free to contact us.

Thank you!!  Merci!!  Misaotra!!

September 25, 2010

Centre Nutritionnel - Nutrition Center

Nutrition Center and its activities.

The Nutrition Center located in Tamatave (Ankihiriry) and it is a public service agency.
The Center provides a daily simple hot lunch for up to 40 children which in many cases is the only meal they receive.  Through fundraising activities the Center now has a water pump and basin so mothers can wash their garments and bathe their babies, funding also permitted the construction of a covered outdoor patio.
The Center aims to educate the mothers on proper nutrition, hygiene, and disease prevention.

You can find more detailed information about this program by clicking on the Nutrition Center tab on the left side of the page.

Our new blog is currently "under construction" and we will be updating and adding additional information and pictures, please check back soon!