ASPE - Association pour la Sauvegarde et la Protection de l'Enface, is an association for the protection of minors, located very close to the Ambatovy site. This facility has an agricultural training center, where students are taught how to raise farm animals and grow crops, the fruit of their labor is then sold at the local markets to help raise funds for the center and become more financially self-sufficient.
ASPE also has a school for girls where in addition to their scholastic studies they also are taught to cook and sew. These are children from poor families who normally would not have the means to afford an education or any kind of training. The girls are housed at ASPE receiving a free education and their meals until they are 18 years of age.
ASPE also works with the Ministry of Justice accepting boys and young men, under the age of 18, who have committed petty crimes who instead of being sent to jail are sent to ASPE where they learn life skills and are re-educated so they can be successfully integrated back into society.