Center aims to combat malnutrition of very young children.
Under the umbrella of the public service.
Capable of accommodating 30 children but often attending up to 40 children.
Currently in conjunction with the Inner Wheel association, we manage the center, supply food and pay the salary of one person to take care of the children and for the preparation of their nutritious meals.
This center receives no public funding and relies exclusively on donors.
The length of a nutritional program for a child is about 1 month unless they face a particular health problem.
Mothers come every morning with their children to benefit from the program to fight malnutrition.
We would like to improve the fate of the children and their mothers by providing training / education on hygiene and by trying to empower the moms.
Our current needs:
The nutritional flour costs 415,000 ar. for 30 children for 6 months
(A daily Koba flour ration = 77 ar.)
Rice: for 6 months 360,000 ar.
Vegetables: for 6 months 360,000 ar.
A cylinder of gas: 58,000 ar. for 3 months
The monthly salary for the person used to care for the children: 60,000 ar.
We plan to hire another person to improve care.
The budget for the nutrition program for 1 child amounts to approx.11, 000 ar. per month.
A carton of 24 soaps = 74,400 ar.
We would need to install a clothes line with 2 posts.
We need to change area mats where children sit.
We need someone who can help us fund and build a safer cooking space using breeze-blocks and cement
We require funding for housekeping / cleaning products such as bleach to clean and disinfect premises every morning as current hygiene conditions are sub standard.
We need clothes (1 to 4 year size) as well as of small toys for toddlers to stimulate the children while they are at the center.
We need to repaint (just 4 walls of a big and of a small room)
We would like to have a budget which would allow us to treat children with severe ailments and diseases that require specialized medical care.
Thank you in advance for helping and supporting us.
If you are interested in assisting you can contact us:
Jacqueline tél: 033 095 70 16
Sandra tél: 032 020 77 15
Jacqueline tél: 033 095 70 16
Sandra tél: 032 020 77 15
Lynda: 033 07 62 862
We are at your disposal if you want to visit the center.
With the malagasy women of InnerWheel, we collect books to create a library for the local fokontany.
We need books with pictures for the youngest, language is not important.
And for the teenagers and older children we are looking for books in Malagasy or French.
Thank you for your help
Contact: Jacqueline: tél 033 095 70 16